Thursday, July 14, 2016

Classic French

Plan Peisey, Savoie, July 11, 2016— 

ONE OF US felt the need to try a one-star (Michelin) restaurant in the area, so — there being four of us now to share taxi fares — we took a cab out and up into the country to a ski station to find ourselves in a modern dining room with a fine view and a menu offering both local and classic French cuisine.

A little tired of cheese by now I opted for the plat du jour, Gigot aux flageolets, roast leg of lamb with little green beans. With that, as you see, small potato croquettes and sliced cucumber.

The lamb was reasonably good though innocent of salt and barely touched by garlic. The flageolets had been cooked, I'm sure of it, in unsalted water, not stock. The potatoes were fine.

Dessert was an apricot cloafoutis-like tart, garnished with a spiral of whipped cream and a squiggle of raspberry coulis. All in all, a routine dinner.

Mondeuse, Maison Trosset (Savoie), 2015

Hotel la Vanoise, Plan Peisey, Savoie

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