Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pizza to go

Westley, California, April 8, 2015—

ON THE ROAD again, and we knew there'd be no place to eat half-way to Los Angeles — so we stopped in Berkeley for a pizza. The Café Chez Panisse makes a delicious nettle pizza, bitter and chthonic, baked dark as we like it.

Then a packaged "Country Italian" salad from Trader Joe: lettuce, cabbage, grated carrot, chopped green and red pepper. A vinaigrette that could have been worse. No trace of onion or garlic.

Dessert: a tangerine, some candied citrus peel, a cookie or two.

Cinsault, L'Argentier, 2011: deep, earthy, just right with the nettles…

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