Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Franks and peppers

IMG 9599
Eastside Road, August 26, 2016—

ANOTHER EVENINGin front of the television set as the Chicago Cubs continue their sometimes hesitating march to the league playoffs. Tonight, New York style frankfurters, grilled as you see in the black iron skillet, and Jimmy Nardello peppers, somewhat ditto.

Cook and I differ on the subject of peppers: I adore them; she likes them, mostly, as long as they’re not too piquant. I think Nardellos are the perfect compromise between the one-dimensional flavor of bell peppers and the degree of piquancy I cannot share with my companion. Perhaps the pimento has a more interesting flavor, smoky and complex, but the Nardello is sweet and fruity. I just wash them, dry them, and cook them in a dry black iron skillet until the skins are charred; sometimes I scrape the skins off, sometimes — tonight — I do not.

Then I might put a little olive oil and a little water in the pan, cover it, and let them cook until tender. If they’re small enough, I’ll skip that step. Salt, of course.

Dogs, buns, mustard, relish. Peppers, and green salad afterward, and some dark chocolate from See’s. And baseball. A fine evening.

Rosé, La Ferme Julien.

RESTAURANTS VISITED, with information and rating:  2016   2015

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