Eastside Road, June 30, 2011—
TAFFY WAS A WESHMAN, Taffy was a thief…Like most nursery rhymes, it's not exactly politically correct. (You'll be glad to hear that, according to Wikipedia,“The image of thieving Welshmen seems to have begun to die down by the mid-twentieth century”.) But it's a fact that the rhyme continues to charge Taffy with the further theft of a marrowbone, and that was my first awareness of such things.
Then in 1986 on a trip to Australia I had dinner one night at a marvelous restaurant, Berowra Waters Inn, in a remote location — I don't recall how I got there, though I know it was as the traveling guest of strangers met the previous night in another restaurant in Sydney.
But I digress. At Berowra Waters I found marrowbones on the menu; it was the first time I think I'd seen them on a restaurant menu; I ordered them; they arrived on a clean white napkin, marrow-spoon and all, and I was enchanted.
Since then I order them every chance I get, and I had them today at lunch. They'd been roasted in the wood-burning oven and served with a curly parsley-and-radish salad, whose crispness and acidity was a perfect foil. A piece of toast to spread marrow on, and a little pile of delicious sea-salt, and you had a meal.
And nothing surprising there, for this week's menus in the Café Chez Panisse are a tribute to the London restaurateur Fergus Henderson, famous for his “Nose to Tail” philosophy of using the entire animal in his St. John bar and restaurant which I'm afraid I've never been to; another reason for a return trip to London.
Dessert: Panna cotta — I can never resist it — with redcurrant coulis and a pain d'amande, refined but somehow Englishly homey like the rest of lunch.
(Counting down to its 40th birthday, the Café has delightfully dedicated each of forty weeks of menus to one or another such inspiring cook or author — in some cases, as here, a wonderful introduction to someone new; and a renewed reminder that dining, and restauranting, is social and societal, about human connections, the Family of Man.)
Chez Panisse Zinfandel, Green & Red Vineyards (Napa), 2009
• Café Chez Panisse, 1517 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley; 510.548.5525
Speaking of pictures, I prefer the one on the back of Linday's book Chez Panisse deserts. I suppose it must be 25 years old by now. Very romantic feeling.
There was a tiny succes de scandale about MFK's book-jacket photo for An Alphabet For Gourmets. The first photo (I think by Hurrell), taken of her in the prone position, was highly "suggestive" for its time, and was quickly replaced with aonther, upstanding and prim. Both jackets still turn up with some regularity. The trick is to have both on one copy. In fine condition, this combination will fetch between $200 and $600 on the rare book market--and much more if signed or inscribed, of course.
Do you suppose "marylebone" is related to marrowbone?
Googling turns up a fair amount of persuasive information on the matter of “Marylebone”. I won't go into it here beyond saying the agreement centers on a church dedicated to Mary, whether specified as “le bon” (which seem unlikely, given genders) or “the bourne” (=stream) being in question. Lost in antiquity.
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