Sunday, June 15, 2008

Party time

Vietnamese beef salad (see June 11); bread and cheeses; deviled eggs (thanks to Margery); green salad; cherries; ice cream with blackberry sauce

NO PHOTO TODAY, because, well, I forgot. We had a patio party, with friends and family, in a sort of Father's-Day-Farewell-to-the-Travelers celebration. This blog may well be winding down. It's been updated daily since the beginning, last December 10; and we've eaten in motel rooms, at home, in fine restaurants, and a Toyota showroom. Tomorrow we'll be at Chez Panisse; Tuesday at home; Wednesday I'll have dinner on an airplane; Thursday at Marius in Amsterdam.

It's going to be hard to post to this blog in the next few weeks. I'll be traveling light, without a laptop, and my European cell phone doesn't do internet. There may be the occasional internet café for sporadic updates, but I'm not counting on it. I'll keep a journal, of course, and may make some use of it when I get home. We'll see how it goes.

Have a good summer, everyone; eat well and often!

Pinot grigio; Marqués de Cáceres rosé de Rioja; Prosecco

1 comment:

George Mattingly said...

Enjoy your trip, Charles, and traveling light is the best way to go. Though we'll miss reading this blog every morning. (It's the first thing I do. Quite often it gives me inspiration for that night's menu.)