Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Turf and Surf

Sunday steak

Monday steak
Eastside Road, May 30, 2017—
SUNDAY SEEMED TO ME to be a steak-and-potatoes day, so I bought a one-pound New York cut beefsteak and seared it in a hot black iron skillet. I browned the potatoes in olive oil, then added water to finish them in steam, laying a couple of split spring onions on top. This is a favorite meal of mine: simple, quick, tasty.

Of course a pound of beefsteak is too much for us for a single meal, so Cook served almost exactly the same dinner the next night, substituting sliced fennel for the onions. Delicious.

     🍷Carignan, Preston of Dry Creek

TONIGHT COOK TURNED toward the sea and made a Manhattan fish chowder. In a small bit of butter, she says, she softened chopped onions, potatoes, and carrots; then added clam juice, rock cod, garlic, a can of tomatoes and some tomato paste, and, at the end, a bit of thyme. Very nice indeed.

At all three dinners, green salad, tangerine, a bit of chocolate.

     🍷Cheap bianco d'Italia, Grifone

RESTAURANTS VISITED, with information and rating: 2016      2015     2017

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