Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Berkeley, September 9, 2013

EN ROUTE HOME from Los Angeles via Lompoc we stopped off in Berkeley for paella on the deck of a comfortable brown-shingle bungalow, the home of a couple of dear friends. Doesn't hurt that they're chefs.

You're looking at the first course: a fine platter of prosciutto and cavolonero, sautéed with onion and bits of hardened chorizo. With this, a couple of bottles of rather nice Cava: a 2010 L Hereu de Raventos Blanc Brut and, a little more complex, a Castellroig of the same vintage.

Meanwhile, Curt was preparing the paella, and I was snapping photos (as usual, with the iPhone):

Soffritto: diced chorizo, onion, crushed tomatoes just added
Adding the rice — Spanish rice, of course

The rice swollen and colored by the soffritto

The broth has been added and the rice cooked; now previously sautéed peppers go in

Previously steamed mussels stud the completed paella

For dessert, the silkiest crème caramel you can imagine, vanilla custard made with delicious eggs, garnished with pear slices


Curtis Faville said...

Cesar's makes a pretty mean Paella too.

Charles Shere said...

Could be. I almost never eat paella, because I can't process crustacea, and they're all but inevitable in any Spanish paella. This one, with its chicken and mussels, and especially its lack of shrimp, was made to my specifications.