Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Eastside Road, September 30, 2013—
ITHINK WE THOUGHT of it simultaneously: it's time to have a bowl of soup. For different reasons, probably: I was thinking about the brodetto the other night, and that there was a light rain and the weather definitely turning cooler (or so I thought); Cook was thinking — she later admitted it — of the leftovers in the icebox, the little bits of this and that.

So we picked some chard that had wandered into my potager path, and there in the fridge were some peas, and a little corn; and a can of cannellini stood on a pantry shelf, and there was a bit of bacon or some kind of pork product at any rate, and they all combined nicely. Vive les potages!

Nor any need for salad, since the chard could stand in for it…
"Guadagni Red," Preston of Dry Creek, 2012: solid and refreshing

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