Monday, March 2, 2009


Eastside Road, Healdsburg, March 2, 2009

I THINK WE FIRST tasted it in Apeldoorn, when Kees made it for dinner — it was just when he'd begun studying to be the chef he is; I don't think he was yet seventeen. So we always think of it by its Dutch name: boerenkool, "farmer's kale".

Lindsey chopped up some bacon and fried it, then sautéed onions in the bacon fat with a little olive oil too, then potatoes; then added a bit of water to steam things, and leftover gravy from last week's pork roast; and then added the chopped kale and steamed it until done. Served with malt vinegar and the crumbled bacon bits. You don't need anything else: no bread, no green salad, no nothing.
Cheap Pinot grigio

1 comment:

Curtis Faville said...

This stuff reminds me of the years when Merry, my wife, used to make what she called "Gorps." (Brett Weston used the same word to describe the "Abstract" photographic studies he'd do from time to time--"went out to look for some interesting gorp yesterday".)

She'd start with any old leftover meat, or bacon, then add sliced partially boiled potatoes, or sun chokes, or bulgar, or rice, and add a vegetable like bok choy, chopped brussels sprouts, little beets or beet greens, cauliflower, and then season it with fresh rosemary etc. It was always "single bowl" food, with a good red wine. Those were days we had little time for cooking, both being employed full-time at day jobs.

I've been after her to do a "gorp" cookbook for years, but she won't.

Check out my M.F.K. Fisher blog today if you're interested.