MARROWFAT BEANS, is what these are called; why, I couldn't tell you. I guess come to think of it they do taste a bit like beef marrow, though the consistency of course is quite different. These were grown by the organic produce farmer up Eastside Road. Cook though they reminded her of the kapucijners we used to get in Netherlands, so I looked it up on the internet. Sure enough: they're the same thing, and they aren't beans at all, but peas.
In any case, delicious. A bit of chorizo livened the pot up a bit, and rosemary and garlic added the essential vitamins. Or maybe it was the green salad that came afterward.
That was yesterday. Tonight we feasted on broccoli and creamy mashed potatoes with parsley, one of Franco's sausages — a Kielbasa this time; we haven't had one of them before: meaty and spicy; I could have eaten two. Delicious.
☛RESTAURANTS VISITED, with information and rating:
2016  2015
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