Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ham and cheese; Risotto

Seattle, Washington, January 7, 2015—
LUNCH TODAY with the old friend we came up here to take to lunch, at an old-fashioned breakfast-and-lunch joint down on the waterfront. How could I pass up a grilled ham and cheese on rye bread? Especially when dill pickles were promised, and a Caesarish salad — an odd one, with leanings toward cole slaw; I think I even detected a bit of shredded cabbage among the chopped romaine; but not an unpleasant one, not at all.
Red Hook ale
•Salmon Bay Cafe, 5109 Shilshole Avenue Northwest, Seattle; (206) 782-5539
AND THEN DINNER at the home of Cook's remaining Seattle cousin and his wife, first-generation Americans with deep Italian roots. Tata made her risotto, baked, flavored with a bit of tomato, and incorporating chunks of good sausage. Green salad afterward, and a glass or two of Falanghina, and coffee with a drop of brandy. How nice to eat at home! Many thanks!

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