Friday, December 19, 2008

Red pasta

Eastside Road, Healdsburg, December 19, 2008—

THAT'S WHAT WE CALL it, red pasta: pasta with tomato sauce, supposed to be very good for us for its lycophemes, or lycophones, or lycanthropes, I'm not sure of the word. Tonight's was particularly interesting and very nice, as to both flavor and texture, because of the cheese: Parmagiano that we'd bought in Milan a couple of weeks ago, and not Reggiano, perhaps not even Grana, it was so inexpensive — about €15 the kilo as I recall. Very creamy, grated onto the sauce; but also very flavorful. Everything has its place, as long as it's good. Green salad, ovviamente.
Côtes de Rhone, "Cuvée selectionée Kermit Lynch", 2006

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