Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Roast pork

Roast pork, Swiss chard, horseradish sauce


ROAST PORK WAS ONE of my father's favorite dishes, and we had it fairly often when I was a boy, as I recall; possibly because we raised pigs for our table. I don't recall that it was often this delicious, though: thick cuts, tender pink flesh, crisply cooked outside fat, plenty of juice. The horseradish cream is a perfect accompaniment, more frequently paired with beef, but a perfect foil to the pork. As to the chard, well, I've madeleine-in-the-tisane'd it enough here recently.

April fool. This was not tonight's dinner; we ate this almost a year ago, April 21 2007, at the restaurant Toscanini in Amsterdam, where we eat when we cannot eat at Marius, because Marius must close a couple of days a week, and its chef likes to join us at Toscanini.

Oh well. This is Eating Every Day, after all, and sometimes you will find everyday eating here, and why shouldn't April Fool's Day be one of those days? It began, though, with not toast but hot cross buns out of the freezer, Downtown Bakery hot cross buns, a breakfast pastry to rival the gibassiers from Portland's Pearl Bakery (which we look forward to having in a couple of weeks). Lunch was our customary apple, banana, toast with peanut butter, and a glass of pomegranate juice. Later, at tea-time, chips and hummus.

And dinner? Well, as an acquaintance pointed out the other day, we sure do eat a lot of carbohydrates here; yes we do, grains, I responded: we finished yesterday's lentil-rice combo. Green salad, of course. And — perhaps what reminded me of a delicious pork roast — Lindsey's in the kitchen cooking up some apples for dessert.

Ordinary Tuscan red.

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