Friday, September 26, 2014


Hill Court, Warranwood, Victoria, September 25, 2014—

WE DROVE A COUPLE of hours today to the curious old mining town Bendigo, now a regional center with a thriving local-tourism economy — mainly for the purpose of visiting museums: but also for lunch.

Lunch we took at practically the first place we stumbled upon after parking on a fairly steep street in front of the art museum, a street given to cafés and restaurants, antique shops and gift shops, hair salons and the like. The sidewalk is roofed over in places, with tables and chairs outside the restaurant, a pleasant setting suggesting perhaps a decent enough lunch. And the place had an Italian theme.

I ordered a couple of baskets of garlic bread for the table -- there were five of us -- and then the fettucine carbonara for myself. A couple of months ago, I think, I posted comments here under the title "Carbonarish," and to tell the truth this dish was a little inauthentic, with its bright green parsley leaves. But the cream sauce was nicely made, the bacon was tasty, and the dish succeded perfectly. 

Frascati, Cantina Soc. di Monte Porzio Cateno, 2012, old-fashioned, mediocre, and very pleasant

• Borchelli Ristorante, 105 View Street, Bendigo, Victoria; +61.3.5441.4455

ON THE WAY HOME we shopped for dinner, which was left up to me: two cans of cannellini, a can of good tuna, a basket of arugula. Other things were in Mel's capacious pantry. I chopped an onion to combine with the tuna and beans, and a couple of my charming nieces dressed the arugula with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. A bottle of cheap Sauvignon blanc, and Bob's your uncle.

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