Eastside Road, October 3, 2010—
TO MARKET, TO MARKET today, to buy not a fat pig — last night sufficed for that — but our usual salmon and Willowleaf lima beans. Usual for this time of year, at least. And tonight after our tea and mixed nuts (cashews and almonds, neither of which seems satisfactory now without the other), I cooked up some more pimientos de Padrón in oil and salt to eat with a first-rate MartiniCheap Pinot grigio
We discovered the wonderful pimientos (with crude sea salt) at Cesar's, in Berkeley. Yes, they go wonderfully with a cocktail. Back in the day, I used to scout Black Oak Books, then bring something with me--Cyril Connolly or Kenneth Tynan--over to Cesar's, and while away a lazy afternoon sipping and dipping. Now the center strip gets filled up with pizza munching day-trippers, and it's a little less calm.
Why is it that our lemon tree thrives in the Winter, then seems to go into a hibernation in warmer weather? Isn't this the opposite of what one would expect?
I miss Black Oak.
Lemons, like many citrus, tend to begin producing fruit in winter. I remember the tangerine in the Christmas stocking, a special treat — perhaps the fact that oranges became available in winter contributed to their special charm in ancient days.
Is yours a Meyer lemon? They do very well in the East Bay.
Yes, indeed. And they get huge! Almost like oranges.
I just posted a brief note on Salter's Life is Meals for Oct 5.
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