Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Fusili with sausage, fennel, and red wine

1 pound (5oo g) bulk sausage meat, broken into small pieces

1 teaspoon fennel seeds 

3 tablespoons tomato paste 

2 cups (50 cl) dry red wine, such as Chianti 

2 eggs, at room temperature 

1/4 cup (1 ounce; 30 g) freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese 

Freshly ground black pepper to taste 

Sea salt 

I pound (5oo g) dried Italian pasta, such as fusili or penne 

About 1 cup (25 cl) pasta cooking water 

IN LIEU OF PHOTO, I set here the ingredients for another delicious pasta dinner, served last night to a charming young couple of our acquaintance. The recipe is from Patricia Wells's book Patricia Wells at Home in Provence (New York: Scriber, 1996), and it is indeed, as shewrites, a "hearty cold-weather pasta." I won't give you detailed directions on how to make it: you should have her book.

Barbera d'Asti, Rocca dell'Olmo, 2011

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